Currently Serving in Baton Rouge
Although there are still many more homes to clean out that we still need teams for, we have homes that are beginning to be dried out enough to be able to rebuild, thus we need even more teams that can include skilled and unskilled. Skilled being, framing, plumbing, electrical, drywall hangers and finishers, flooring and finish workers. If we could communicate together on these areas we should be able to organize things in such a way that teams could be joined together (as dates allow) to make a larger impact with the time we have on each site?
As would be expected, we have a huge need for materials and supplies too, so donations of funds and/or materials are also needed.

100% of funds will go to disaster relief efforts.
1) Pray for the people of Baton Rouge effected by the flood.
2) Pray for the ministry workers and the efforts in bringing relief and the gospel to the hurting.
3) If you would like to help disaster relief efforts in Baton Rouge you can give here:
Click below if you would like to donate funds
to ministry teams who need help in Baton Rouge.

100% of funds will go to disaster relief efforts in Baton Rouge.
Action Crisis Teams (A.C.T.S.) is a nationwide network of like minded believers, led by the Holy Spirit, coming together to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to those in need.
Our Mission is: To minster the love of Christ to the least, the last & the lost.
Our Vision Statement: E3
E1ncourage E2quip E3ngage